Maintaining a Positive Perspective in Social Media!

With the growth of social media, there has come a clash of personal and professional spheres.  I have noticed a large amount of people lately, who happen to have a job they are not happy with, take to social media to vent about their misfortune.  I have seen family problems aired all over Facebook and Twitter, and I have seen people share things that do not place them in a positive light.  Now, I am all for freedom of speech and maintaining liberty, but I also recognize that with this freedom comes consequences.

If you are seeking employment, you should maintain social media pages which reflect the professional side of yourself.  You should find ways to express the positive aspects of who you are, and the skills you possess.  I can honestly say that employers can and will look at your social media pages.  Not all employers, but do you really want to take the risk?  Having known quite a few people who take part in the hiring process, they take this seriously because they want individuals working for them who will represent the values their company embraces.  Potential candidates for a job position should have social media pages that present themselves as a hard-working, trustworthy individual with a moral compass.  Employers do not want to see whiny posts about life, they want to see someone with a positive outlook!

Now is the time to clean up your social media sites because even current employers may look at your pages before considering you for a promotion.  Your social media pages are a reflection of you as an individual. Scroll through your page and try to determine if this is the person you wish others to see you as.  Maintaining a positive perspective in your social media pages as well as in your daily interactions can help you to become more confident and come across as someone others can have confidence in.  Be mindful of how you present yourself in all areas of your life, and you will find it has an affect on your career and relationships!

How to Maintain a Positive Attitude Even on an Off Day!

As a leader, you are required to present a positive attitude regularly, even when you are not feeling it.  To lead and inspire others, they need to feel good about who you are.  You have to have charisma, and be someone worth following.  However, you are human, and you are going to have days that are less than perfect.  You are going to have personal problems that bleed into your workday and make you wish you were not held to such a high standard.  But, if you are in this leadership role, you will have to find a way to present a positive attitude that will carry you through the day.

How can you maintain this positive attitude on a regular basis?  The best way is to take measures first thing in the morning that will influence your perspective for the rest of the day.  There are many ways you can do this, and you will have to find what works best for you.  Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1.  Begin your day already prepared.  By making a list of things to do the night before, you have a productive start and a guide to your day.

2.  Decide to be positive when you wake up.  Force yourself to shift all of your negative thoughts to positive ones, and it will help influence the rest of the day.

3.  If you start your day with a shower, imagine any negative energy being washed away, and take on positive energy.

4.  As you get ready in the morning, think about 5 strengths you have and it will help you feel confident in who you are and what capabilities you have.

5.  Surround yourself with positive people if you can, and when you have to be around negative people, try to have a positive impact on them.

6.   While you may not be able to control the world around you, realize that you control your actions and reactions.

These are just some examples, but if you know that a cup of tea, a smoothie, or a protein shake will boost your energy and shift your attitude, make sure this is part of your morning routine.  If a morning jog or walk helps you to clear your mind before tackling the day, get up early enough to fit this into your schedule.  The bottom line is that while you are bound to have a bad day, you can take control, prevent the negativity, or at the least, reduce it.